Maybe In Another Life | Teen Ink

Maybe In Another Life

January 29, 2025
By marjoarend BRONZE, Nova Petropolis, Other
marjoarend BRONZE, Nova Petropolis, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In "Maybe In Another Life", by Taylor Jenkins Reid, we are introduced to two parallel universes, both unfolding from a single pivotal moment. With a light and engaging narrative, the book prompts us to reflect on the impact of everyday choices—even the seemingly insignificant ones.

The story revolves around Hannah, a 29-year-old woman drifting through life without clear ambitions. Constantly moving from city to city, she longs for stability and a sense of purpose. Hoping for a fresh start, she returns to Los Angeles, her childhood home, where she can count on the unwavering support of her best friend, Gabby.

One night, at a reunion with old friends, Hannah crosses paths with Ethan, her high school boyfriend. She faces a simple yet defining decision: should she go home with Gabby, or stay out with Ethan? From this moment, the narrative splits into two parallel storylines, exploring the repercussions of each choice.

"Maybe In Another Life" is built on the intriguing premise that infinite versions of ourselves exist, shaped by the choices we make. Reid skillfully immerses readers in Hannah’s diverging realities, encouraging us to ponder where our own lives might have led had we chosen differently.

Despite some slightly forced and occasionally irritating points, such as the protagonist's obsession with cinnamon rolls, which the author feels the need to highlight every three paragraphs, this story develops coherently. Although the premise leads us to conclude that it will be an overly repetitive writing, we don't feel that while reading.

We feel a genuine interest for the story and how it is going to unravel. Hannah is a relatable protagonist: Mistakes, flaws and failed attempts. While the romantic subplots add charm, the heart of the novel lies in the deep, unconditional friendship between Hannah and Gabby. Their bond is authentic, unforced, and profound. Through their relationship, Reid beautifully illustrates how life’s sorrows can be bearable when faced with the right person by our side. One of the book’s most special moments is when Hannah, desperate to find her purpose, fails to recognize that she has already found it, and it's Gabby.

Overall, the author provides us an enjoyable and introspective read. There are so many possibilities and choices we could have made, so many places we could be, but the author It achieves to send her message: We will end up where we should end up. There is something greater ou there leaning us in the right direction, towards our destiny.

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