Battle of the Labyrinth | Teen Ink

Battle of the Labyrinth

August 16, 2009
By WorldofD SILVER, Vadnais Heights, Minnesota
WorldofD SILVER, Vadnais Heights, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The Battle of the Labyrinth

The Battle of the Labyrinth Rick Riordan is an adventure story. The book is 361 pages and was published in 2008 by Hyperion Books for Children. It is the fourth book in the series about Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Battle of the Labyrinth starts with Percy exploring high school and continuing to have adventures with the Olympians.

The author's purpose was to create several characters and adventures for the reader to become fascinated by. The descriptions of the characters make the reader want to find out what they are capable of doing. The cheerleaders that were empousai have fire in their eyes and fangs. The scorpions were larger than people and moved strangely. One character was a hundred-handed one. Kampe wore a belt of many animals' heads and a dracanae is a snakelike warrior.

Percy tells the story about his experiences with his friends Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson at Camp Half-Blood. Nico is another friend, but he is not at the camp. Percy and Annabeth escape from the scorpions by going under the statue of Zeus's fist, and then see the Labyrinth. They know that it is dangerous to go into the Labyrinth, but feel they must go in order to find Pan and Daedalus. The Labyrinth has many confusing tunnels. They free a hundred-handed one from prison and escaped from Kampe. Later they get captured by dracanae. They meet Pan and Daedalus. The climax occurs when the good characters fight the evil characters for control of the Labyrinth in the battle.

Overall, the writing was detailed and imaginative but there were definite strengths and weaknesses. The strengths were the description of the Labyrinth and the evil characters and their actions. A weakness was the development of the character Annabeth. She argues with her friends and wants to end the adventure. Another weakness was the ending could have been more exciting.

In conclusion, I found a book, The Battle of the Labyrinth extremely interesting and exciting. I would recommend this book to readers who are into the series or Greek Mythology, in general. My favorite part was when Tyson leads the jail break. I would like a character (Calypso or Chiron) to tell Percy what to do next in an iris message in the ending.

The author's comments:
I did a review on this book because I really liked it. I hope you like it also!


This article has 4 comments.

ThatDude said...
on Oct. 13 2016 at 6:32 pm
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I remember and love this classic book because it has so many interesting,sad,and surprising in it.One example is the part where they find out that an army of monsters of all sorts could come marching out of the center of their camp at any second,and what happens to try to solve it.Another example is how and why pan died,and its also interesting that a bird could live underground so long.This book was so well thought out that it left us all surprised when Grover and Percy split up,but what was most surprising about that was that Tyson went with him.Overall,this was an amazing book and I would read it over and over when I want to. With love from ThatDude

ThatDude said...
on Oct. 13 2016 at 6:23 pm
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I like how they found the labyrinth.

on Sep. 16 2009 at 5:12 pm
WorldofD SILVER, Vadnais Heights, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 8 comments
Yes. That part was sad. I liked Calypso's Island.

Anblue SILVER said...
on Sep. 8 2009 at 2:24 pm
Anblue SILVER, Houston, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 20 comments
I read it a while ago. I cried when Pan died.