Zipped by Laura and Tom McNeal | Teen Ink

Zipped by Laura and Tom McNeal

October 8, 2009
By allycat! BRONZE, Milo, Maine
allycat! BRONZE, Milo, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I read Zipped by Laura and Tom McNeal, I never lost interest, it kept me going the whole time, and you always was wondering what would happen next. I also thought that this book was very relatable, there was parts when I just found myself laughing because I know that at one point or another it happens to everyone. It's sort of like a mix between mystery, romance, and your average teenage life type of book. What happens is like a teens life; school, work, secrets, and crushes. So just about everyone can relate to it, and that's one of the reasons I liked it so much.

It also tells the different view's of the characters, I like that about this book. At first it was a little hard to follow but once you got use to it, it made more sense and makes the book more interesting. You know not only what one person's life's like but, instead you get to know the story behind two different people's life's, and it was amazing.

I always say how I would change parts of the book, because I pictured it differently, but in this book I don't think I would change anything. I guess in some ways you could say that it was predictable, but right when you thought you had it all figured out, and knew what would happen next, there would be a twist. Most of twists I never even saw coming, but in the end it all came together, just the way I hoped it would. But all in all I was never disappointed at any time reading this book.

I thought this was an amazingly good book, and I'm pretty sure guys just as much as girls would enjoy and be able to relate to it. I would defiantly recommend this to anyone because everybody would be able to connect to it at one point, or another.


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