Ted Williams: A Baseball Life | Teen Ink

Ted Williams: A Baseball Life MAG

By Anonymous

   Ted Williams: A Baseball Life is a biography of the famous Red Sox hitter. Ittraces his life from growing up in California and playing for the San DiegoPadres to being traded to the Boston Red Sox,where he spent the rest of hiscareer.

The book covers the outstanding year when he hit .406, as well aswhen he went off to World War II, and includes a lot of detail, maybe even toomuch. It can be hard to take in all the information and can even be boring attimes, since it goes on and on about how Ted adjusted to different pitchers.There's nothing about his life after baseball; the narrative just ends when heretires. I'd give this book two out of four stars.

I do recommend thisbook to anyone who likes baseball, and wants to learn about Williams' career, butit's hard to get a sense of Williams' life beyond the statistics.


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i love this !