Jinx by Meg Cabot | Teen Ink

Jinx by Meg Cabot

December 17, 2009
By aperez BRONZE, Chaple Hill, North Carolina
aperez BRONZE, Chaple Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you enjoy fantasy? Well then you should read Jinx by Meg Cabot. Jinx is just plain amazing. This book will be stuck onto your hands for the rest of your life.
The main character Jean (aka. Jinx) was forced to move in with her mother’s sister because something terrible happened to her in her home town. Jean hasn’t heard of them for a while and when she steps into the house many surprises awaits her. Her cousin Tory was not very pleased with her coming because she’s hiding a wicked secret from her. Also when she meets a boy named Zach and likes him but made a big mistake. Jean panics. She is in a position where drama can’t stop. She is upset, and Tory is happy.

Jinx is the top book after Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. They both relate to fantasy, romance, and both have an awesome plot. This book made me crazy and thirsty for more. The intensity was WOW! The characters and the description were spectacular. I could actually see what’s happening in the book. The book starts off slowly then BAM!

I recommend Jinx to readers who love fantasy, action, and romance. It was a joy ride, and I rate Jinx a 5 out of 5. You will desire to be in Jean’s position, like I did. So what are you waiting for? Go get Jinx!


This article has 1 comment.

honey rohani said...
on Sep. 2 2012 at 3:39 am
lov this book it really got me interested and it showed me that teens really love to get themselves into relation ships !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!