The Blind Side by Michael Lewis | Teen Ink

The Blind Side by Michael Lewis

January 6, 2010
By Anonymous

The Blind Side is a story about protecting the people you care about. It is written by Michael Lewis. This author is known for writing his books based on his own experiences. The story is warm-hearted and offers enjoyment to all age groups. The Blind Side is non-fiction and captures its audience.

Michael Oher hasn’t had an easy life. His mom is addicted to drugs and he doesn’t have money to eat or purchase clothing. He doesn’t have a home until a nice, wealthy family decides to take him in. He starts attending a nice school, (Briarcrest) and gets involved in sports. Michael surprises everyone and shows family is the most important thing to him.

I thought this novel was inspiring. I think the audience can relate to this book, it’s about feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom but keeping you head held high. I felt thankful for all my blessings after reading this. Once the story took off, I felt drawn and couldn’t put it down! I would recommend this book to someone else. I would also read another book by this author because he knows how to catch, and keep a readers attention.


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