Marley & Me by John Grogan | Teen Ink

Marley & Me by John Grogan

January 7, 2010
By CkavanaghL BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
CkavanaghL BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No Matter What...I Love You

“ A person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours. Marley tought me about living each day with unbridle exuberance and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He tought me too appreciate the simple things- a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a nap in a shaft of winter sunlight.” Says john on page 279. John and his wife Jenny really loved Marley. He mixed their life up from the bad to the good. Marley and Me’s statement about life is that something simple can bring people together as long as you believe in life. I think that this is the theme because the day that they got “clearance puppy” Jenny and John were really happy and they couldn’t wait to get home and show him the house! The idea of getting a puppy came from John not being ready to have a child. Jenny wanted one, but John just wasn’t up for it yet.

Then their first boy was born, Patrick. Jenny was under a lot of stress and couldn’t handle it. She wanted the dog to leave. John let the dog in his friends hands from work for two days until Jenny was ready to have him back. Then, another child was born, Connor. When Connor was sick, Marley sat with him through it all. Marley was apart of the family and he new it, he belonged with them. He was ready for the bad and the good, no matter what he loved his whole family and he knew that he was loved very much too. Soon later, Colleen was born. Things couldn’t be going better until John was offered an amazing job offer, but it meant that they would have to move. Life was going great at the Grogan household thanks to Marley. From playing football as a family to making snow angels in the snow everyone was happy.

You’d think that at this point nothing bad could happen to Marley and the rest of the Grogans until, ring, ring, ring. John’s phone rang, it wasn’t like any other call, it was serious, really serious! It was Marley, he was at the vet hospital. He wasn’t feeling well, John was informed that Marley had a tube down his throat… his stomach flipped. John’s heart was about to break, he could possible loose the animal that was his best friend. On page 254 John though,” We knew it was the right thing, yet neither of us we’re ready to loose him.” Marley made it through out the night, and was in great shape under a very strict diet and strict rules of what he can do and can’t do every day. Soon it happened again, it flipped, this time the only choice was to put him to sleep. Everyone in the family was greeving. It was horrible. The entire family lost a part of them

In conclusion, something simple can bring people together as long as you believe in life.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because the book really grabbed my attention. I could also relate to this book in many ways.


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