The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

January 15, 2010
By nuggetlover6 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
nuggetlover6 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After fourteen years, Allie Nelson wasn't sure if her first love was still where she found him, or if he was even alive. She found her answer when she came across a newspaper article about Noah Calhoun that would change her life forever. In The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks tells a tear-filled and extremely romantic story about a love powerful enough to accomplish the impossible. When two young teenagers fall in deep but forbidden love, they're painfully separated by the surprising turns in life. But after fourteen long years, fate brings them back together for an unforgettable love of a lifetime. As the couple grows older though, Allie's age and memory begin to fail. Will the magic Noah and she have create a medical miracle? They will create history as they desperately try to save their own.

This novel was beyond amazing, the excitement left me turning pages for hours. The passion Sparks uses in his writing made me feel emotionally attached to the characters and the love they shared. When Allie and Noah were in love, I could feel the happiness through Sparks writing. When the couple was apart, I felt the heartbreak Noah suffered with. The Notebook is beautifully written and without a doubt one of my favorite novels. I would recommend this outstanding book to more mature readers who enjoy a classic love story. This novel deserves five stars and two thumbs up, absolutely a wonderful book.


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