Gather Together in My Name | Teen Ink

Gather Together in My Name MAG

By Anonymous

This is a wonderful and well-written book. Maya Angelou, well-known for her powerful literature, once again shares her talent and life experiences with her readers. Gather Together in My Name is a sequel to I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Before reading this book, I had never heard about Angelou’s son; here she gives strong descriptions of him and how she felt as a young mother. I got a better understanding of Angelou as a young adult and, as a result, I realize why she is a powerful and spiritual woman.
Angelou concentrates on her life at 18. The thing that I like most about this book is her use of teen lingo. In addition, she writes about real situations that many teens experience. Like some, Maya became pregnant as a teen and was a struggling single mom trying to make a living the best she could.
People fall in and out of love; young Maya fell in love twice. In both cases, the men were much older. One had another girlfriend on the side and the other was married. At the end of both relationships, Maya was left feeling alone. That was not her only problem, though. Like many teens, Angelou was faced with the temptation of smoking, not only cigarettes but also marijuana. The pressure of trying to earn money for her son also pushed her into prostitution.
Not only is this book interesting and fun to read, it is also a good length, clear and easy to follow - from young motherhood and first loves to drugs, prostitution and loss of self-love.
Once again, Maya Angelou has put her heart and mind into her work, allowing you to feel and understand her past.


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i love this !