The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd | Teen Ink

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

January 26, 2010
By sracoxswain13 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
sracoxswain13 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the Secret Life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd. Its genre is fiction,

and its copyright date is 2002.

I would definitely recommend this novel to middle school students. I would

recommend this book to students my age because it holds endless important messages

and lessons. It is also worth reading because it is very well written, and it is very

descriptive. Also, the story is enthralling and inspiring.

The Secret Life of Bees holds many important messages, delivered through

the character August Boatwright. One of these messages is, “There is nothing perfect,

there is only life.” August tells Lily this after Lily discovers that her mother left her as

a child. Another important lesson is “… life gives way into death, and then death turns

around and gives way into life.” August reveals this after May, one of the Boatwright

sisters, dies. I would recommend this book because of the important messages it holds.

I would also recommend this book because of how well Kidd wrote the book, and how

descriptive the writing is. This novel is written so that you feel like you are there with the

characters, and you are living Lily’s life. Kidd also uses advanced writing skills to help

you feel truly connected to the literature. I would also recommend this book because it is

enthralling and inspiring. This book is very inspiring, because of the way that Lily keeps

trying to live her life, even when it feels like no one really loves her, and she tries to find

love. Lily’s story is enthralling because of the way you want to keep flipping the pages,

and sink deeper into Lily’s troubles and triumphs. In this book you will find that it is

inspiring, enthralling, and is very well written, and I would definitely recommend reading

The Secret Life of Bees.


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