Leon's story by Leon Tillage | Teen Ink

Leon's story by Leon Tillage

January 26, 2010
By maeblnd BRONZE, Ballston Spa, New York
maeblnd BRONZE, Ballston Spa, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"to the world you might just be o

A great book that I recommend is Leon’s story and the author is Leon Tillage. This is a book about a young African American boy who talks about living in the Jim Crow period. The genre is African American literature and the copy right date is 1997.

This book is a wonderful and great book, but I warn you it’s a tear-jerker! I think that middle-school students should read this book because it’s educational yet entertaining. I really enjoyed this book, and would highly recommend it to middle-schoolers.

I think that middle-school students should defiantly read this book. It provides great examples of what you most likely learned in your social studies classes, such as the Jim Crow Laws and the hardships African Americans faced. This book is historical and entertaining. Leon talks about his life and the discrimination and segregation that he faced. But you find that he does find some real friends that will help him throughout the book, even though he faced some hard losses. It was a heart-warming story, and one that I think all teens should read. Leon’s story really touches many people who read the book.

This was one of my favorite books, and I’m sure if you read it, it will be one of yours too. So buy this book today!


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