Watchmen | Teen Ink

Watchmen MAG

By Anonymous

      In 1986, iconic English writer Alan Moore published Watchmen. I consider this book the magnum opus of his career and one of the greatest graphic novels of all time.

This story was originally featured as a monthly limited series but was later republished as a trade paperback, which popularized the graphic novel format. It was also met with enormous critical acclaim and, as of today, is the only graphic novel to win a Hugo Award and be featured in Time magazine’s 2005 list of “100 Best English-Language Novels from 1923 - Present.”

With all this support, Watchmen was destined to become a commercial success. Even in miniseries format, it helped its publisher, Detective Comics, briefly overtake Marvel in sales.

However, many consider Watchmen, and Moore’s other works, to be overrated. One major issue is the complexity and themes that may be too mature for the young audience comics are usually aimed at.

The setting of Watchmen is New York City in 1985 in an alternative U.S. history with past and present masked vigilantes. It features conventional superheroes in their public image (which is mostly positive) and their personal issues, which range from paranoia concerning public image, to violent and abusive behavior.

I believe that the dialogue is what separates this graphic novel from comics that feature the same clichéd black-and-white storylines. However, I would only recommend it to mature readers interested in the less attractive side of people who have managed to become iconic figures of popular culture.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 14 2011 at 10:15 am
A great book. When i saw this book i thought it was going to be a great stoy. I would recommand it.