Confessions of a Shopaholic Book | Teen Ink

Confessions of a Shopaholic Book

February 2, 2010
By AudreyCherin BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
AudreyCherin BRONZE, Vero Beach, Florida
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The number one New York Times bestselling author, Sophie Kinsella, recently published yet another novel called, Confessions of a Shopaholic. It is an entertaining story about a young, shallow, red-head named Rebecca Bloomwood, living in New York. Rebecca is desperate for an easy way to earn enough cash to pay off her unfortunately large amount of credit card debt. Her idea of fulfilling this notion is to buy several lottery tickets and, before scratching off all the numbers, crosses her fingers and hopes for the 10 million pound jackpot. Rebecca’s wishful thinking does not exactly contribute to paying off her debts, and her job as a financial journalist for Successful Savings doesn’t help much either. Before she even has her paycheck in her hands, it’s already more than spent. It is usually spent on a new Gucci accessory or a Denny and George scarf.

As Rebecca continues to spend, she is fired and begins to panic because of all of the money she owes. The manager of Endwich Bank, Derek Smeath, is constantly trying to contact her about her debt. She persistently makes up new excuses (i.e. stating that she has glandular fever). She ends up with an unexpected job at Brandon Communications, another financial business. Rebecca becomes a talented journalist, known as “The Girl in the Green Scarf,” drawing the attention of a profuse amount of readers. She also has an interview on a well-known television program.

As time passes, Rebecca learns the value of money. As a result, she auctions all of her clothes (including her famous green scarf she is known for) to pay off all of her credit card debt. She denies the opportunity she is given at her dream job, a high-profile fashion magazine. Rebecca Bloomwood and Luke Brandon, the CEO of Brandon Communications, fall in love.

The author's comments:
"Confessions of a Shopaholic" is a wonderful movie and an even better book!


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