Chicano Cruz by William Cox | Teen Ink

Chicano Cruz by William Cox

February 11, 2010
By Pumkinman888 BRONZE, Milo, Maine
Pumkinman888 BRONZE, Milo, Maine
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When I was first chose this book, it was from random and then I began reading away. I started out thinking that this book would involve a cruise because of the title but then I read the back. So the book is about four boys named Sandy Roosevelt, Mando Cruz, Jack Kelly, and Gil Jones who all have troubled home lives. Mando drops out of College and tries out for the Gold Sox a major league thinking this is way to help his family stay afloat. Jack wants to get away from his father who is always drinking, Sandy is kid from the ghetto he's tough, bad, and hateful he signed up for try outs to do better for himself. Gil is a shy guy who plays shortstop and a millionaires son.

During the tryouts Mando and best bud Jack get Sandy as a roomie and the there is a high tension between them, will they finally get along? Find out by reading the book! They later get another roommate who is Gil jones he's not a fighter and is shy but he will try everything he can to make the team. These roomies became the infielders in tryouts known as the Mingo Skeeters.

Although I'm not really a big baseball fan this book was pretty interesting with realistic slang and situations that face people. I would have to suggest this book to anyone from grade 10 and older due to swears, and racism and also to anyone who likes sports. If you like any other books of William Cox try this one out.


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