Brother Odd by Dean Koontz | Teen Ink

Brother Odd by Dean Koontz

February 10, 2010
By Slayerryan77 BRONZE, Brownville, Maine
Slayerryan77 BRONZE, Brownville, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If Ignorance is Bliss...Then you know nothing!

Brother Odd is part one of a two book series by Dean Koontz. If you like horror, mystery, suspense, or thriller books Dean Koontz is great for you. He is amazing at keeping you wondering and guessing, he also has a keen eye for making you want to keep on reading. If you are interested after reading this review and possibly the book, then also keep an eye out for the second book, Odd Thomas.

Brother Odd, is a very interesting book in many ways. Firstly It takes place at one spot basically through the entire book, It's a monastery which is as many know a place where monks and nuns go, at the monastery they also help children of all ages that are suffering with severe physical disabilities, and mild to severe mental retardation. The book is very touching in the sense that the events that take place to the character are somewhat relatable. The main characters name is Odd Thomas. The reason for this is at birth his mother and father wanted to write Todd Thomas but instead the made a mistake and didn't recognize it, so it came out as “Odd Thomas” instead. You may ask why he didn't change his name throughout his life and that is because he has a strong belief that this is the name chosen for him and he shall keep it.

Odd, or “Oddie” as some call him has a special ability it's more of a sixth sense. Odd can see dead people, talk to dead people, but not touch them or feel them. Only two people know about his special skill at the monastery one is the head nun who helps Odd an awful lot throughout the book. As time progresses, Odd seems to become more comfortable with his special abilities. Once you really start getting into the story Odd starts talking about these things he calls, Bodachs which he believes are evil spirits that come to take people's lives. He for-see's those people's deaths because Bodachs only show up to meet the victims that they plan to kill in a later date, well he starts seeing them at the monastery and gets worried. The only people he can tell though is the people that know about his skill. Now I don't want to give to much away so I'm going to end this review by saying this, It becomes quite clear that Odd's mission throughout this book is going to be hard and tedious, he has to save the monastery and all within it. This book is great I enjoyed reading it a lot, it's a nice read if you have lots of free time and don't mind long novel's it is quite a hard read though, I must say if you are a good reader and enjoy it this is the book for you!


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