Rangers Apprentice: The Ice bound Land by John Flanagan | Teen Ink

Rangers Apprentice: The Ice bound Land by John Flanagan

February 10, 2010
By TheLASTairBENDeR BRONZE, Milo, Maine
TheLASTairBENDeR BRONZE, Milo, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I've always been a fan of a medieval based books and movies but I have never really found one that I could really sit down and read fully. I am not a big reader I don't read many books but John Flanagans, Rangers Apprentice series draws you in. It has fantastic cover illustrations but the best thing about this book is how the author illustrates what's happening in the book in your head with his descriptive writing ability.

The character traits and actions are so enticing you can't help but read more. The books are not very long, a few hundred pages or so but there are 7 books in this series. I have not read them all but I am looking forward to doing so.

In this book, Rangers Apprentice The Ice Bound Land, which is book three in the series, is written mainly from two different points of view. One being a 15 year old boy from Araluen and his ranger teacher Halt. Halt appears as a mysterious straight forward person. But as you read you find that there is much to know about the ranger.

This book starts off just after the war from book two with Morgarath. Will is captured by the Skandians who live far away across the ocean in Skandia. Will is not the only prisoner the Skandians captured, the Kings daughter is also taken as well. When Halt finds out that Will has been captured he try's to get relieved from the castle to go find him. But The King will not let him because he is needed at the castle. So The ranger gets himself banished for one year to go find Will. He meets a friend of Will's, Horace, who is a knights apprentice and together they go looking for the boy and the King's daughter. At the same time, Will and Evanlyn (which when you read further in the book, find that Evanlyn isn't her real name) are stuck with the Skandians as they cross the ocean. They encounter many new things that they did not know about on there home land of Araluen. Will Halt and Horace rescue his fellow apprentice and the King's daughter? You will not know unless you read so go to your local book store or library and get this book, it is great!


This article has 1 comment.

reader said...
on Mar. 8 2010 at 11:34 am
i really like these books they are awsome your right these books draw you in im treally am addicted to theses book