Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick | Teen Ink

Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick

February 24, 2010
By Melina_KP BRONZE, Singapore, Other
Melina_KP BRONZE, Singapore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I rarely have come across a book that literally makes me laugh out loud as much as this one. Notes From the Midnight Driver is a skillfully written novel that will bring tears of happiness and sadness to your eyes. This piece is written in first person and is narrated by a High School student named Alex Gregory who, at the beginning of the book, was arrested for DUI. He faces the charges with a negative outlook when he finds out he has to trade 100 hours of his personal time to "hang out" with a grouchy nursing home patient named Solomon Lewis. However, Alex and Sol begin to bond over their passion for music, and soon they find themselves in somewhat of a friendship.

The author, Jordan Sonnenblick, does a great job of keeping the story interesting by adding great character descriptions, and their distinct personality traits. I admire the way Sonnenblick uses a really humorous, yet slightly sarcastic voice. The way she uses the voice makes the character Alex unique and funny. She even sprinkles little secrets throughout the book to cause suspense. All these things combined make the book more likable to the readers which is an important ingredient in the recipe for a great book.


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