Honey, Baby, Sweetheart | Teen Ink

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

September 23, 2007
By Anonymous

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

Simon Pulse,

2004, $7.99
Deb Caletti

ISBN 0-689-86474-4

Have you ever dated somebody you know is bad news? When shy, understated and quiet Ruby McQueen gets involved with rich bad-boy Travis Becker, she likes to think he's changing her, making her fearless. When things with Travis go from reckless and exciting to out of control and criminal, Ruby's mother takes her to her book club in an attempt to make Ruby happier.
The Casserole Queens (the name of the book club) help take her mind off of Travis by making a startling discovery: one of the members of the book club is also the subject of a tragic love story they are reading. The book club then embarks on an adventure to reunite the two lovers, who have been separated for 60 years.

Deb Caletti does a really wonderful job of developing Ruby's character, and gets you hooked from the first page. I thought the book was very moving towards the end, when Ruby is forced to make some very powerful decisions for her family and for her own security. Deb Caletti's writing is enticing and exciting and has quite a few life lessons in it. After reading this book, I immediately wanted to read more from this author. I recommend this book for anybody age 11 and up. This book will move your life off course.

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