O, Juliet by Robin Maxwell | Teen Ink

O, Juliet by Robin Maxwell

March 7, 2010
By Jmhackett3 BRONZE, Palisades, New York
Jmhackett3 BRONZE, Palisades, New York
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O, Juliet is a modern take on a timeless classic, shedding new light on the old and beloved story of two star-crossed lovers. The book includes the well-known and favorite characters, including pensive and sweet Juliet and robust and impulsive Romeo, as well as some new and equally as intriguing people, like Juliet’s betrothed, Jacopo Strozzi. While the book does not contain the same spontaneous and rash love affair that Shakespeare’s drama depicted, it is an entertaining read of two people who fall madly in love and will do anything to be together. I would recommend this book to students in my school who are looking for a romantic story to get lost in. Robin Maxwell certainly created a guilty pleasure that can be found in O, Juliet, so enjoy!


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