Full Tilt by unknown | Teen Ink

Full Tilt by unknown

May 6, 2010
By shelby.r123 BRONZE, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
shelby.r123 BRONZE, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Music is love in search of a word"-Unknown

The book Full Tilt is a story about four friends that take an adventure together through a very scary amusement park. They have to survive all seven on the rides in order to get out.
This story involves four people. Quinn, Blake, Maggi, and Russ. Quinn and Blake are brothers. They don’t have the BEST relationship ever. But, in this story they have to work together to get out…alive. Blake and Quinn are total opposites.
Quinn is the trouble maker. Always in trouble doesn’t really care for authority. He is full of piercings. He is a different kid. He is always wearing this hat. All black with a hand on it. A hand with the middle finger up. That hat NEVER leaves his head. He loves it.
Blake is a “goody-goody” some people might say. He is more of a follower while Quinn is a leader. Blake does everything that everyone and anyone tells him to. Blake sometimes disapproves of Quinn and his attitude. He likes to be in charge but not to in charge.
Well, this story starts with four friends hanging out at an amusement park. Everyone is so excited to be there. Accept for Blake. Blake has always been afraid of things like rollercoaster’s. So, when everyone decides to go on one, Blake runs off to hold their spot on a different ride.
When they get on the ride and start going, its fun. But, not for Quinn. Quinn loses his favorite black hat. Now, that may not sound like a big deal to you, but to Quinn, it is. That hat was everything to him. Even getting a new one just like it, it still wouldn’t be the same hat.
After they get off the ride, all Quinn talks about is how mad he is for losing his hat. Like I said big deal for Quinn.
Everyone finally gets sick of Quinn’s whining and tells him to stop talking about it. Quinn gets mad and walks off. No one really notices until they meet up with Blake at the other ride. Blake feels as if it is his responsibility to go looking for him. But Maggi and Russ tell him no and just to enjoy the ride.
After the ride they are walking around to find Quinn. They see a little moving figure climbing up the rollercoaster sides. And, it’s Quinn. Blake runs to the coaster and yells at him to get down. Quinn doesn’t listen. All he wants is his hat.
When he finally gets down all everyone does is yell at him and tell him how dumb it was to do that. And they if he wasn’t careful he could have died. Quinn really doesn’t care.
On their way out of the park they meet Cassandra. She gives Blake an invite to another amusement park. Everyone wants to go…accept Blake.
It is about 10:00pm before they are headed home. First they drop off Maggi and Russ then they head home to talk about the park.
Now, their mom is a single mom. Always bringing home the wrong kind of guys. And, once again she has another boyfriend. But, this one is different. He actually seems to care. Well, more than the others have.
Quinn and Blake get home just in time to see the “good-bye” from their mothers boyfriend. They get out of the car and say hi. On their way in the house. Their mom drops some big news. She is getting married. Today was a bad day to tell Quinn that. He gets mad and try’s to run into the house. He feels a hard tug on his arm. You see, Quinn doesn’t like that to much. All of the other boyfriends did that, but for different, bad reasons. He does it to get attention. He gives Quinn a new earring. He doesn’t want to take it but he does. Blake gives a congrats and walks in the house.
The next night they decide to go to the carnival. This is where the suspense starts. They have to survive all seven rides in order to escape the carnival.
All of the rides are based on each of their biggest fears. And that’s what this

book is about, facing your fears. To find out what happens read the book. I know

you will enjoy it.

The author's comments:
These are just MY thoughts about the book Full Tilt.


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