Dear john by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Dear john by Nicholas Sparks

June 2, 2010
By rabzz BRONZE, Eee, Other
rabzz BRONZE, Eee, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

What would you do with the letter that changed everything???

DEAR JOHN(Nicholas sparks) is a very rare book. I’ve read many of sparks' books but this one dazzles me the most. this sole book is filled with many emotions. Sparks writes about love with simplicity and tenderness that fills your heart and makes you cry.
john, an army man is back for his vacation in his home town(Wilmington) where he falls in love with a naive college girl,savannah.john is sure that savannah is his only one. john agrees to leave the army and settle in Wilmington with savannah but the 9/11 attacks change everything and john is asked to report back. to keep their bond alive they promise to write to each other as often as they can. they remain faithful to each other but one day john receives a letter from savannah that changes the course of their love and their lives. john decides never to go back to his hometown but his father's death forces him to change his very decision. so once again john and savannah come face to face but what stands between them is a decision that savannah took years back.
in dear john Nicholas sparks describes very truthfully the affects of distance on a relationship. you can very well relate to the feelings of isolation and longing experienced by the characters. it is one of those stories that just gets better as it proceeds. I think the best and the most memorable part of the story is the ending, it is unique and really surprising...that's why i was disappointed when they changed the ending for dear john-the movie. this is one book you will carry with yourself long after you have finished reading it. with dear john sparks' uncovers yet another side of love.I'll rate it 5 out of 5.


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