The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver | Teen Ink

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

October 4, 2010
By leteresa93 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
leteresa93 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This novel was focused on the treacherous journey of the Price family to Africa for biblical teachings from Reverend Nathan Price. As a mission trip, they were to stay in a village known as Kilanga for a year, teaching the villagers their Christian ways. It's very interesting that each chapter is told by one of the Price girls; consisting of Orleanna (wife), Rachel (eldest daughter), Leah and Adah (twins), and Ruth May (youngest daughter).

The daughters tell their point of view of the trip in present tense, while the mother, Orleanna tells her side of the story in past tense. This gives the book a little bit of edge and style when starting a new section.

Kingsolver uses a mirror as a symbol throughout the book to aide with the theme of arrogance. She sets the mirror in many scenes within the novel to help the characters realize that their reflection is who they are. This trip to Africa had truly changed the way each member of the Price family presented themselves; especially having to move from the arrogant west to a place so isolated with none of their daily addictions.

This book can open up the eyes of anybody. Surprising scenes throughout the novel will have the reader begging for more, wondering what will happen in the next page. I recommend this book for anyone who needs a good novel for a book report, or simply just to read as a hobby.

The author's comments:
I hope that people, after reading this book, will understand how truly important life is. Don't waste it on unneccessary events. This book teaches a lot about trust and dependency.


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