A Step from Heaven by Anna | Teen Ink

A Step from Heaven by Anna

January 9, 2011
By Gracechayada BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
Gracechayada BRONZE, Bangkok, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let's crazy!

A Step from Heaven which is written by Anna is the book which I would like to call a “Reality Book.” That is because I believe that every human have their own dreams and they can do everything to success them if it comes from their strong trustworthiness. Anyway, what happens if those dreams didn’t come true? The answer is in the book, waiting for you to open and read it…
The starring of this book is a little Korean girl named “Young Ju.” Her family and she went to live at America, hoping to have a better life. No one knew that things were getting worse until they experienced that by themselves. Young Ju and her brother that was born at America were struggling, torturing and hopeless… They stuck in the world they hated. They never got what they wanted. According to the book, I feel the major of pity for them. I can call Young Ju as a strong girl, what she carried was heavy and harsh as if she was carrying a huge stone. Her family gave her a force of life, severe and made her growing into the gloom. Even those happened to her but she never gave up. I wonder how Anna knew the feeling of those forces and wrote into the book. When I read some part of the brutally parts, I could acknowledge the feeling and passion of Young ju and I knew that it’s pretty bad. It’s unfair that Young Ju got into the trouble which was not occurred by her fault but she was dragged in by her family.
Owing to the phrase ‘Every family has secret.’ I just understood that after finished reading this book. Young Ju’s family have never tried to solve any problems, they just kept those problems as deep secrets. Each day passed, the secrets had showed out more and more. Eventually, it was disclosed. Besides, I would like to recommend this book to the teenagers because I believe much of them might have those problems which are same with Young Ju. The dream of the girl still wasn’t exist…it’s just a step of heaven. Let’s see when it’s going to be the real heaven that she was waiting for.

The author's comments:
This is a Book Review that I wrote.
Hope you like it. :D


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