Beloved by Toni Mrrison | Teen Ink

Beloved by Toni Mrrison

March 8, 2011
By Damaris BRONZE, Pheonix,Azheoniz, Az, Arizona
Damaris BRONZE, Pheonix,Azheoniz, Az, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beloved a novel by Toni Morrison is about a ex. Slave named Sethe who was born as slave in a farm that is named Sweet home but escaped at 18 years later. She lives in a house (124) with her daughter Denver in Cincinnati who is haunted by her baby ghost who died nameless while her mother, Sethe, tried to kill her children so they won’t be sent to her old master as slaves and at her tombstone only engraved beloved. No one in the community comes to visit them and Denver has never been outside because she is scared of the outside world outside the yard.

Denver was born on a boat while Sethe was escaping to freedom who was helped by a white woman who said Denver was charmed. For years the baby ghost has been the only company to Denver until Paul D. arrives. Paul D., an ex slave of sweet home, comes to visit Sethe and scares the baby ghost out the house. Denver is mad at Paul D. for scaring the baby away since it was the only company she had. Paul D. in order to not have Denver mad takes her to the carnival. On the way back from the carnival they spot a woman sleeping on a stump. They take her to their house where she tells them her name is beloved & that she came from the other side.
Beloved ask Sethe questions about her past. Then Denver thinks that beloved is a recarnation of her baby that died nameless and says that she has to take care of her sister from her mom so she won’t want to kill her again. She starts to remember why her brother left 124 at the first place because they thought she would have the urge to have to kill one of her children again. Paul D. gives in to beloved when he asks him to touch her but that drives him away from 124 and wonders of his manhood when he wants to be with Sethe.
I would recommend Beloved because Morrison did not only us let us see the actions, feelings, and thoughts of Sethe but also the other characters of the story that helps you understand the character throughout the story. This book is filled with emotion of a terrible past of a slave that still deals with it in her present that not only affects her but the people around her.


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