The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson | Teen Ink

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

March 15, 2011
By Anonymous

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is an excellent mystery that grabs you from the beginning and has you following the story to the end. We start of learning about the character Mikael Blomkvist, a journalist, facing a libel conviction for having reported on someone. Lisbeth Salander is the other character that aids Blomkvist in the investigation of Harriet Vanger. We learn that Lisbeth is a product of the government, and thus has had to have legal guardians through out her life, thus leaving her with a very dark past. Which only adds more to the mystery and suspense of this novel.

The author's comments:
I found that this book was very interesting and was able to draw you in from the beginning. Some of the subject matter, however, might be a little racy for some. So if subjects of sexually violence are something that you feel is too much for you, perhaps this may not be the story for you. But so long as you can get past that, you can truly sit down and appreciate Larsson's ability to right and great legal thriller. I recommend this to anyone who likes mystery detective novels as well a good old fashioned thriller.
All in all, this was a book that once I got through the beginning portion of it, I was unable to put it down. And I think that's what makes a novel a truly good novel.


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