The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier | Teen Ink

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

March 21, 2011
By icedog141 BRONZE, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
icedog141 BRONZE, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you look back at what you've done and you can smile then you have won."

Is reading NOT typically an enjoyable activity for you? No? Well, me too! Reading has never been one of my strong suits, and typically a book has to be top notch for me to be motivated to finish it. The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier is one such book that succeeded in captivating my attention from start to finish. The book was interesting, relatable, and most importantly, it was captivating. In a private high school where a student society known as the Vigils controls all the ins and outs of student interactions, one freshman student named Jerry Renault, decides to stand up against the corruption by refusing to sell chocolates in the school’s controversial chocolate sale. Archie, the leader of the Vigils, can then either choose to let Jerry’s insubordination slide, or make an example out of Jerry.

What will become of the Vigils? What will happen to Jerry? And for God’s sake why is not selling chocolates such a big deal!? All these answers are in the book for you discover. And the best thing is, these answers are put in a perspective relatable and interesting for the book’s intended viewer: you! So the next time you have to do a book report, your home sick one day and need something to pass the time, or just want a good book to read, don’t be afraid to pick up The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier.


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