The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo: an Ecological Mystery by Jean Craighead George | Teen Ink

The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo: an Ecological Mystery by Jean Craighead George

April 14, 2011
By Sabb8520 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
Sabb8520 BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have two quotes that I made up... "The only way to dream is to have an imagination," and "Why anticipate for moments to come when you can live the one your in."

The boring, enduring, book I read was The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo: an Ecological Mystery by Jean Craighead George. The genre is global issues, © 1992.
I would not recommend this to any school level. The plot was not well put together because of the continuing problem not resolving. The book could have been written as an essay or short story. The characters were not well described and did not have any details as what their personality was like.
Reasons for this poor review were the characters and the book it’s self. The story line wasn’t entertaining and the characters had no special qualities that made them unique, nor did they appeal to me. The beginning of the book takes place in the woods in a place called Gumbo Limbo Hammock. The main characters are Liza K. and her mother. They decide to live in the woods together because of Liza K.’s abusive father. The woods in South Florida are home to friendly “woods people” and an alligator named by Dajun by Liza K. One day, out of the blue, Dajun does not come to greet Liza K. in the morning. First, she assumes Dajun is hiding due to the hunter in the woods trying to kill him. Liza K. looks everywhere for him but to no avail, she does not find him. Eventually after a while, the mystery is solved and it is found if the alligator was really hiding or was really gone.

In closing, the cover might look interesting, the book is not. From the characters to the plot, I would give this book a one star rating if I had to.

The author's comments:
My class had to write a book review for Language Arts and I hope people will still read the book if the plot sounds interesting because this is just my opinion.


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