Parvana's Journey by Deborah Ellis | Teen Ink

Parvana's Journey by Deborah Ellis

April 14, 2011
By lilsuggknight33 BRONZE, Ballston Spa, New York
lilsuggknight33 BRONZE, Ballston Spa, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This literary review is for the book Parvana’s Journey. The book was written by Deborah Ellis. It is the sequel to The Breadwinner, and was the winner of the Jane Addams Children’s Book Award. It is a fictional story on the genre of global issues. The book was copyrighted in 2002.

I would recommend this book to middle school students for many reasons. For example, the book is a very good read, and gives you and idea of how people live in Afghanistan. However, the book is incredibly sad and tragic. So, I wouldn’t recommend the book if you were looking for a happy storyline. The book always kept me interested, and I liked the detail.

The main character, Parvana, has lost her father to death. As she was walking through various towns and villages, in search for her mother and sister, she discovers an abandoned baby, whose mother had been killed. She decides to care to the baby, and take it with her on her travels. Parvana gives the baby the name Hassan. She and Hassan begin to live in a cave. They meet an obnoxious boy with one leg named Asif. The three of them become very close. Throughout the story, bombs from Americans begin to drop all around them. Parvana continues on through many challenges with her two friends in hope to find her missing mother.

In conclusion, this book has a great plot and is sad at times. The characters are very descriptive and in detail. Also, this book shoes the hardships many civilians faced in Afghanistan. I would read this book again anytime.

The author's comments:
for an ela project


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