The Sam Diaries Soundproof Town by Amanda Celeste | Teen Ink

The Sam Diaries Soundproof Town by Amanda Celeste

April 25, 2011
By NickMrtn BRONZE, Mineral Wells, West Virginia
NickMrtn BRONZE, Mineral Wells, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Sam Diaries Soundproof Town is a novel by Amanda Celeste that involves teenagers that end up discovering, and stopping a terrorist attack of the United States that is being plotted in their small Southern Ohio town. The novel deals with friendship, action, and an unexpected twist in the plot that makes you continue thinking about the novel even when finished reading. This novel is good for a teenager, and the author makes you also think about if you were the teenage character in the book on how you would have handled the situation. I would recommend this novel to others in my age group.

The author, Amanda Celeste, lives in Southern Ohio, and is currently a college student. With her being a young author, I felt that she was able to make her characters realistic with their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of a typical teenager. As a teenager, I could relate to the characters of the book.

I thought the book was good for the fact that the characters were realistic of someone my age, they had to make an important choice, and because of their choice it involved a lot of action in the book that kept you to continue reading.

The novel involves the friendship between Samantha (Sam) and Danny who had been best friends since both of them moved into the small southern town in 5th grade, now 15 years old they are both attending the same private school and dealing with everyday teenager stuff whether it is parents, teachers, school, rules, and peer groups in their school. Their typical stuff changes when Sam overhears their new substitute teacher talking on his cell phone admitting that he had killed their regular computer teacher, his plans on smuggling drugs into the United States, and how he was plotting a terrorist attack on the United States. While eavesdropping, Sam had dropped her water bottle which lead her to be discovered that she had overheard. The action in the novel soon starts since the only person that would believe her was her best friend,Danny, and both of them continue to try to find proof for others to believe them, trying to save their own lives from the physical attacks of the teacher and his hired mercenaries, and to also save the United States. The plot thickens and twists with how people in the small town was working for the terrorist, and how the CIA was involved. Both Sam and Danny kept fighting and working even though everyone else thought their accusations were outlandish since the person was a teacher, and also that nothing ever happens in their small town.

This novel is an entertaining read and I recommended for teenagers. It is realistic with teenager thoughts in which they can relate, and involves action to keep them interested in the plot of the novel.

The author's comments:
This was a school assignment.


This article has 1 comment.

Mrs. Horton said...
on Apr. 27 2011 at 10:02 pm
A young adult writer cannot go wrong when writing specifically to a tageted audience in which he or she is also a representative. The plot and writing style would make this an interesting read.  How did you manage to select this novel? Would you recommend this as an inclusion in a classroom library?