The Fairy Godmother | Teen Ink

The Fairy Godmother

June 5, 2008
By Anonymous

"It is in my mind that you are the thing, maybe, that our king called for, on a day much like this one, on a spring morning, when a girl old in pain but young in power came to be weighed and judged and gifted." Pg.315
This is an excerpt from the book, 'The Fairy Godmother' by Mercedes Lackey. It is a superb example of the subtle ways she links the book together. It is a tale of adventure, magic, wit and a little romance. Mercedes Lackey excels at at writing, and this is a fine piece. It is a light read and good for reading on the beach. The best part for me, being an avid reader, is that it is the first book in a series called 'The Five Hundred Kingdoms'.


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