Green Angel by Alice Hoffman | Teen Ink

Green Angel by Alice Hoffman

April 16, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Can you imagine losing everything you had in a matter of minutes? It happened to Green, fifteen-year-old, shy, but creative type who lost everything she had in a devastating fire. She changed herself completely in ways she never realized, to covering her body in tattoos from eating very little. She had great faith, but lost it all. She struggled to survive living in her family's home, with her sister's dog by her side. She meets her magical companions who change everything. But only one person can change Green from ashes to the Green she was meant to be.
This book is personally one of my favorites. It keeps me reading on and on, holding on to my attention, with fascinating details behind every scene.
Some of the things that I liked about this book include its description, and the intensity of Green's journey. The one and only thing that I didn't like about this book was its short length; I never wanted it to end.

I recommend this book to people who like contemporary realistic fiction. If I had to rate this book on a scale 1-10, with ten being the best, I would say a ten, no doubt.


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on May. 25 2011 at 7:53 pm
IAmWhoIWantToBe PLATINUM, Manila, Other
41 articles 0 photos 650 comments

Favorite Quote:
‎"I’m learning how to drown out the constant noise that is such an inseparable part of my life. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I only have to follow my heart and concentrate on what I want to say to the world: I run my world." - Beyoncé

i love green angel.. and i want to buy green witch.. 

good review.. your review lacks lenght too... :)