SILVERFIN by Charlie Hidson | Teen Ink

SILVERFIN by Charlie Hidson

September 29, 2011
By coolbeanz13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
coolbeanz13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments


Silverfin is a mystery-filled, action-packed story of young James Bond. Charlie Hidson has dedicated his time to what, in my opinion is one of the greatest books ever written. The setting is Great Britain and everyone seems to have it in for Bond. This is also a perfect read for teens seeking adventure and a scare.

This is one of those books that makes your jaw drop; you never know what is around the next corner! Charlie Hidson made this book completely unpredictable. Every other chapter left my mind in a frenzy. Although the beginning might be slow, the ending is definitely worth waiting for. When at the climax, it seems as though everything makes sense!
Bond, James Bond!

While at the climax, I think that I read about forty pages in ten minutes. If only the whole book had been as exciting as the climax, it would have been a phenomenal read. However, I feel that Charlie Hidson had a plan to make everything relate at the end.

When James becomes the new kid on campus, He has to endure the treatment of a violent bully. This person is George Hellebore. When he meets him, things start to get a little weird. All of his new friends are against him; new abilities make James Stronger and faster. Over all, something fishy is going on. When he meets his new teacher, he feels like he’s the only one he can talk to. Turns out, he knows everything and is there to help James. High suspicions are occurring for the loss of many people. James suspects one person…

Who has been doing this? Whatever the cost James will find out.


This article has 2 comments.

on May. 3 2012 at 8:57 am
coolbeanz10 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

this book.... oh my gosh! THIS BOOK IS.... ISSS


on Nov. 3 2011 at 8:50 am
coolbeanz13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is awsome!!