Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith | Teen Ink

Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith

October 28, 2011
By Anonymous

Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Blessed by Cynthia Leitich Smith is an incredible story about friendship, trust, and strength. This book is highly captivating and very well written. Once I began reading this book, I could not stop until I have read finished the whole book. Blessed has a very interesting plot and you would not regret reading it.
This amazing story follows Quincie P. Morris a teenage girl, who learns to control her new life. She has to adapt to her new abilities and needs of being a teenage vampire. Quincie has many responsibilities, such as managing the reopening of Sanguini’s, her family’s vampire themed restaurant, which she inherited from her dead parents, while she tries controls her new self. Then Quincie learns that her best friend and true love is leaving town. Kieren, a hybrid werewolf, has to abandon his family and Quincie and travel to a wolf school to learn to control his inner wolf. With Kieren gone Quincie feels alone in her new vampire body. Then she meets some unexpected new friends who help her with the many problems Quincie faces.
For her restaurant’s reopening she hires some new staff member. Quincie hires a new chef, a man to play the vampire role of the restaurant, and a handsome man named Zachary, who is actually an angel. Suddenly, Quincie realizes that many of the customers are in danger of also becoming vampires, unless she sets out to save them. With the assistance of a few of her new friends she learns of a way to save them from their terrible fates. Quincie realizes that the only way to save the people around her is to kill the same vampire named Bradley that had killed her, and now is trying to turn other innocent humans into vampires. As Quincie develops different plans of facing Bradley, the evil vampire, she comes across a shocking truth. She discovers that if Bradley is able to get a hold of two knives that hold an evil power, then he will become even stronger and powerful. Quincie realizes that Bradley already acquired one knife so far, so she decides to take action. Quincie sets out on a journey with her new friends to capture the last knife and kill Bradley to save the people around her from a horrible fate like hers.
Cynthia Smith creates such an intense and captivating plot. Blessed is written so perfectly that once you start reading you never want to put the book down. Every twist and turn in this story makes you want to reread the book to capture the incredible moments again and again. Cynthia creates an atmosphere that makes you feel as if you were right standing beside Quincie, fighting to save the people around you from a fate worse than death.

The author's comments:
My Advanced English Class inspired me to write this book review.


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