Trouble Don't Last by Shelley Pearsall | Teen Ink

Trouble Don't Last by Shelley Pearsall

November 29, 2011
By flubbyflubs74 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
flubbyflubs74 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Samuel,” Harrison said, grinning at me. “We done it.”

Trouble Don’t Last, by Shelley Pearsall, is an intriguing book about the journey of two slaves, Samuel and Harrison on their way to freedom. It all changed for Samuel on a cool summer night in 1889 when Harrison, the oldest slave on their plantation takes Samuel on an adventure of a lifetime. The two of them encountered many events and faced much adversity. Their adventure brought the two of them much closer and they would discover things greater than they had ever expected.

Trouble Don’t Last is a well-written historical fiction story. Pearsall did a tremendous job describing the setting and makes the reader feel they were there with them, too. She also made it seem that the characters were real life people. The story had many events that kept the it flowing and made me not want to put it down. After finishing Trouble Don’t Last, I realized all the pain and hardship a slave had to through every single day. This book is a great story and I recommend it for anybody who enjoys history, young or old.


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