Cell. by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Cell. by Stephen King

February 15, 2012
By CourtneyJeanne GOLD, Morrison, Colorado
CourtneyJeanne GOLD, Morrison, Colorado
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Just live life, don't worry about tomarrow.

Cell, by Stephen King is about a graphic novelist, Clay, who just got his big break in Boston and can’t wait to get home to tell his family. But instantly the world begins to change around him due to “The Pulse,” a signal that goes out to all the cell phones in the world turning all the humans using them into zombie-like killers.
Throughout the novel, the story follows Clay, trying to get back home to see if his wife and son, Johnny, are still alive of if they’ve become crazy like everyone else.
I was never into apocalyptic books until I read Cell. It starts out fast paced and for the most part it stays that way. Along the road you get to hear the lives of Alice, Tom, and Jordan. I though the story would be like so many other Stephen King books that are slow and you can barely keep the book in your hands, but not Cell.
I finished this 449 page book in about three days. It seemed like there wasn’t enough time in the day to read this horror novel. It has become my favorite book and I suggest it to anybody who wants a good suspenseful read.


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