The girl who owned a city by O.T.NELSON book review | Teen Ink

The girl who owned a city by O.T.NELSON book review

April 8, 2012
By boothang96 BRONZE, Villa Rica, Georgia
boothang96 BRONZE, Villa Rica, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No matter who you are,where you stay,what you wear,or what you do ,'ll always have that one person to try to crush your every dream,murder you with their tounge,and laugh when your hurting,...but no matter what BE STRONG AND SMILE :)"

This book was awsome!I loved Lisa's personality,and maturity for her age.It was like she was the adult in this situation.The way they strive to survive and stick together just touches my heart.Children from the ages of ten to fifteen would enjoy this book.That's a promise!It was very touching to me in a way,because I feel like I could be Lisa in my Life.I help take care of my brothers and sister due to the loss of our parent's.It is a great story for kids.It had wonderfull illustrations.he other characters weren't that fleshed out, but they still were interesting to read, especially Lisa's little brother.So the main point of the story is a world of afraid children without parents trying to survive,they are scared and Lisa becomes their leader and supplies them with toys and food.I love how they are so commited to sticking together.One thing I did disaprove
of was the gangs and breaking into houses.


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