Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte | Teen Ink

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

May 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Reading Jane Eyre was a whirlwind of emotions for me. When I read this book it brought me into Jane's life and felt like I was with her every step of her journey. Although many feel that this novel is too lengthy and boring, I enjoyed the romance and adventure of the novel. Being able to read about Jane's coming of age was in a way inpsiring. Jane is an independent woman but can also have a relationship. I admire this about her character. Relationships always seem to take a strong grip on teenage girls and reading about Jane's experience can be a lesson considering she was so independent. Many people that I've talked to about this novel don't think that it was a "fun" or "exciting" read, but I liked the novel so much that I find myself flipping back to certain spots in the book just to experience Jane's story one more time.


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