Sam's Letters To Jennifer | Teen Ink

Sam's Letters To Jennifer

June 11, 2012
By nova7 BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
nova7 BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sam’s letter to Jennifer by: James Patterson
“What would you do if boyfriend died on vacation?” Well that is how Jennifer feels because they were suppose to go on vacation but she had a vary important Column that she had to write for the paper she worked for. Then after a few months her Grandmother that she was vary close to went in to the hospital. Were she lived was vary far away so she stayed at Sam’s (her grandmother). After she went to go see her grandmother that was still in Acoma. She stayed for about 2 hours talking to her then went to her house with a duffel bag she packed back in Chicago. When she went to her room in Sam’s house she put her bag in there then went in the lining room she found a stack of envelopes that all said her name on it. For the next couple of weeks she read them. They all had a lot of meaning to them for Jennifer. Also she didn’t know that Sam was living a double love life. Also Jennifer finds a new lover too.

The reason I liked this book because it isn’t really a romantic book. But if you like drama you will like this book. I liked it because it gave a lot of description about Lake Geneva and about the setting. It gave me a place to imagine in my head. Also it was a book that I didn’t want to put down. It was so good I read it again and two more times. You should read it because you can find out who Doc. Is and Jennifer’s new lover.


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