The Endurance by Alfred Lansing | Teen Ink

The Endurance by Alfred Lansing

July 27, 2012
By missrae BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
missrae BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The endurance is about a voyage taken by sir Ernest Shackleton who dreamed of crossing the Atlantic ocean. With a crew of 33 and one stowaway they set sail.while in the middle of Weddell sea the endurance gets crushed by the pressure floes and leaves Shackleton and is crew stranded in the middle of the ocean on a floe for months trying to stay together and survive till rescue comes.

The book was written from they day they set sail till the day they were rescued telling every single thing that happened with such accuracy and detail that you felt like you were there with them. The author took the crews journal and you exact phrases that helped you understand what they were going through. You could feel the emotion of the crew members and you cant help but wonder what it would actually be like. As I got deeper into the book and more things started happening you wouldn't want to put the book down.

As I was reading I felt such emotion and sadness for them because they couldn't do anything about there situation and just had to endure it and using the actual journals just added to reality. I think it made the book just that much better to see what it was actually like for them. In the middle of the book they added pictures taken by one of the crew members frank Hurley. It made you think of how they felt and showed you what they were going through.

When the author was telling about what was happening and they were just so close to making it to safety but then something else would come up it would make you so mad because of everything they wen through they didn't deserve this punishment. With the bad weather almost freezing them to death,sometimes being so close to running out of food that hey would just have to skip it, seeing just snow and ice for months at a time with nothing better to do then play cards, being so stressed that you take it out on anybody near by, and being close to death.

How the author describes these men during different parts of the book and seeing how they changed during the time and how they put up with all this and yet still kept a postie attitude, you feel so proud of them and you want them to survive, like Shackleton the leader of the expedition, he took full account of the crew and tried his best to keep them alive and get them to safety even risking his own life to get help, he had such leadership and you cant help but love him.

This book was one of my favorite books ever and I recommend it to anyone who loves adventure .


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