Into the Wild | Teen Ink

Into the Wild

August 1, 2012
By Awesome1234 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Awesome1234 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into the wild, by Jon Krakauer is about book of a man named Chris “Alex” McCandless who went into the wild with no money and little supplies. He did it purposefully and ended up dead in a bus, frozen, and what looked to be starved. His story was made into a book.

The author used very confusing writing style. The author did not make clear what the story was about. Half the book was about the story of Chris “Alex” McCandless, and then the author would switch to his own experiences and the book seemed like it was about him. He would switch characters a lot and it was really confusing and frustrating to try and figure out what person the author was trying to tell a story about.
The author also didn’t use chronological order. The book in my opinion was almost backwards. It started with a man dropping Chris off after giving him a ride. Then Chris was found dead. The book suddenly jumps to other peoples’ experiences with and around him. There were stories of people who helped him on his adventure and stories of his family. I think they should have gone first and led up to his death. The author then tells stories of his own experiences and how they relate to Chris’ adventure. I think he should have saved that until the very end, after hetells all about Chris’ adventure. After his experiences the author then goes back to talking about Chris. He tells the story of how he came to see Chris and where all his possessions were left. He talked about the surroundings and compared them to Chris’ journal entrees. I really think he should have started with the journal entrees, gone to the family and friend’s experiences with Chris and then gone into how he was found, what happened to him, and the stories that the author had to tell. I think the book would have been much easier to understand and probably a better read, in my opinion, for youth.

The story itself is very interesting and would make a good book but I feel like the author and his style of writing really took away from the actual story. I was too busy focusing on the writing and trying to keep up with the character switches to really enjoy it. Chris’ story is engrossing despite the authors butchering. Still a good summer read.

The author's comments:
School project


This article has 1 comment.

Ashleyg BRONZE said...
on Aug. 25 2012 at 1:05 am
Ashleyg BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
this review was ok, i would still like to read the book , but now i know what I'm looking foward on reading this book