Into The Wild | Teen Ink

Into The Wild

August 2, 2012
By karlal BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
karlal BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into The wild a novel by Jon Krakauer is a well told story about the life and death of a man named Christopher Jonson McCandless. At age Twenty-four in April of 1922 McCandless went out into the wild finding himself in the Alaskan wilderness never to come back. His remains were found nineteen days later after his death, in an abandoned bus and weighted only Sixty- seven pounds. Krakauer conducts the reader on a journey to explain and better understand why a man like McCandless would put him self in danger and cause his family a great pain.

Jon Krakauer’s unfolds the truth behind why McCandless a well educated man would just leave everything he worked for, including his family and set out into the wilderness of Alaska by himself. Krakaure also tells the reader about some of his personal experiences with the wilderness . To further explain McCandless the author uses first point of view in the journals McCandless wrote and some of his quotes as well. When McCandless first arrived to his new life in the wild he said “I am reborn. This is my dawn. Real life has just begun.”

This book was intended for people who are open minded, and who also like adventure. While reading this book I found out that McCandless wants to go on a meaningful adventure in Alaska that would also test who he is and what he is capable of doing all on his own. To some people this would seem idiotic and selfish but to him it was the right way to test who he really was. As for me, I think that it might not have been the right way to go about things. But who am I to judge him it was his life and he lived it how he wanted to even thought that ended up killing him, and causing a great pain to his family. But one thing that is sure is that McCandless found what he was looking for out there in the great wilderness of Alaska. He never liked the idea of living for others he saw a purity in the wild and he wanted a part of it. He was looking for a more meaningful life than the one he had and he found it in his own was of being. And to me that was inspiring and it taught me that no dream is to unreachable.

Even thought It was a good book I dislikes some things about it. One of the things that I disliked about this book was that it was a bit confusing at times. I also disliked that he left everything he had all because it was his dream. But I also look up to him because he followed his dream and made sure it became a reality. And to me that was bith honorable and inspiring.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 24 2012 at 12:05 am
Kiaashley BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Good review. I really liked the quote you used.