Angela's Ashes | Teen Ink

Angela's Ashes

August 27, 2012
By Coleslaw BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Coleslaw BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

First off, let me start by saying that you need to keep an open and imaginative mind while reading this. The book "Angela's Ashes" is a very sad yet exciting book about a flashback of a young Irish boy's childhood. The narrator of the book, Frank, looks back on his life of tragedy and disappointment. The way that he describes his life brings it to life, and you feel like you were there. Frank's family is the lowest of the lows in poorness level. The story starts off in Brooklyn here in America, when they move back to Ireland only to find worse poverty there. His two twin brother's and baby sister have died by age ten, and his dad spends what little money he finds or earns on alcohol and comes home drunk every night. Frank's father is discriminated against for coming from North Ireland, making it super hard for him to make a living and scrape together money for his family and mainly his alcohol addiction. Frank definitely makes you appreciate everything, and I mean everything from your shoes to the warm bed you get every night. His life is absolutely miserable and takes a turn for the worse when his father finds work in England. While this may seem good, it is not at all good. He washes his earned money away on more and more alcohol, and comes home for a few days around Christmas with nothing for the family. You feel Frank's despise towards his dad when he realizes that he is actually working harder for his family than his dad is. Frank grows up in the Catholic religion and messes up from time to time, it being more often once he hits "that age". The narrator makes us feel so secure and free here in America, especially when he sees the Statue of Liberty and immediately sets his life goal towards America. You can totally feel his yearning for coming here and root for him being able to make it back to America again. Frank gets a job as a postal worker and earns his way to a ticket on the next boat to America and ends with him staring back into the eyes of Lady Liberty. Overall, this was a great read and I would recommend this to people who are patient, but love to be entertained. In the end, it was happy which is great since the whole book was very dreary with it's small happy moments and long lasting painful parts.


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