Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

October 13, 2012
By bubblesrfun GOLD, Muskego, Wisconsin
bubblesrfun GOLD, Muskego, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be your own kind of beautiful.

Samantha Kingston is perfect, really. She’s popular and she makes sure everyone knows it. She and her three best friends hold court over their high school; they get the best parking spots, wear the most desirable clothes, and they always get the most roses on Cupid Day, the school event which labels who’s hot and who’s not. Sam is going to make this Cupid Day her best yet because she will be spending it with her gorgeous, to-die-for boyfriend, Rob Cokran. Unfortunately, the ‘to-die-for’ part becomes literal for Samantha.
When Sam and her boyfriend meet up at a party, things don’t go quite as planned and she leaves soon after arriving. While she is being driven home in the company of three drunken friends, the unexpected happens; they are involved in a fatal car crash, which kills Samantha. Then the doubly unexpected happens; Sam has the ability to relive the last day of her life seven times. She becomes determined to learn the truth behind her sudden death, as she has a feeling that by unraveling the mystery, she will be able to live again.
Before I Fall is a surprising tale of truly living life. Over the course of the story, Sam sees all the mistakes she is making in her life and is given the unique opportunity to change them. If you died today, would you be happy with the life you lived?

The author's comments:
A book review I did for my school newspaper!


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