The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

October 29, 2012
By reviewer SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
reviewer SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Hunger Games, by: Suzanne Collins, is in the top six of my favorite books. The Hunger Games was one of the bestselling books in 2011. The series is fantastic. The Hunger Games hooks you in from the first chapter. You will not let go once you get started.
My opinion of the book is that the book is a twister that leaves destruction to the book world. I don’t even like to read books that much, but this one goes in the record book for sure. So for all of you (and yes I’m one to talk) who don’t like reading books, just try reading the Hunger Games. I think it’s a great book because it has jaw dropping moments.
A game takes place at the 12 district with 24 players, but it’s not a game like you would expect. It’s a fight to the death and the last one alive wins food for their family. Your name is put into the drawing box and they draw 24 names from it. You can put your name in as many times as you wish.
A sixteen-year-old, Katniss Everdeen, is trying to take care of her family when her sister, Prim, gets her name pulled from the box. In a twist of fate, Katniss takes her little sisters place. Katniss soon meets a boy-one of her opponents-she is left to decide life or love? It just so happens that she is skilled at archery which gives her a big advantage. And I can’t tell you what happens at the end but it’s great!!!
Doesn’t that sound exciting! I think so. Anyone would love the Hunger Games. Boys, girls, dogs, cats, ANYONE!!! And for the boys, the Hunger Games movie isn’t the same as the book. So here is some good advice---- GO BUY THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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