Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen | Teen Ink

Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen

January 8, 2013
By Kimmie-B BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Kimmie-B BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to run away to a far away place? Well for Holly Janquell it all came true.

Holly Janquell is a 12 year old living in foster care. She is tired of living in the freezing cold laundry room, so she packs up what little she has, and some things she finds and hits the road. When she gets going she decides to be a Sea Gypsy! She ends up in Los Angeles; or as she calls it: The Concrete City. She has a lot of different “families” along the way. One of the one’s I liked the most was Louise. Louise was a homeless woman who thought Holly was her long lost daughter. I really liked this book because it has really good poetry and a lot of different types of poetry. I also really like Runaway because it is a realistic fiction book.

In Runaway I love the poetry and meaning the meaning of it. All of the poetry in the whole book together. It is really cool how the author skips time but still explains what happened in that time. An example is one time the author started one August 21st and skips to August 31st. I don’t have any complaints about the book. I would recommend this book for people between the ages of 11 and 14 because Holly is 12 and they can relate to her more.

This book left a big impression on me. It showed me that if you know someone who needs help; help them. If you love poetry and realistic-fiction this is the perfect book for you.


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