The Lost Summer by Kathryn Williams | Teen Ink

The Lost Summer by Kathryn Williams

May 10, 2013
By Brittany Gentry BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Brittany Gentry BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Lost Summer

Walking down the street with your best friend, you notice they suddenly disappear in the blink of an eye forever. That is how Helena felt about her best friend Katie Bell in a book titled The Lost Summer.

The author Kathryn Williams writes this book through any teenagers eyes. She explains the book as if you do something bad to your best friend they will just leave you and won't care anymore, and to always maintain a good friendship with someone you care about because in the end it will pay off.

I would recommend anyone to read The Lost Summer. If you like a main storyline to a book or if you like love stories. In my opinion this is one of my favorite books and reads very simply. This is also not one of those books where you read half of it and stop, because you have to read to the end to get the concept.

The Lost Summer takes place at a camp by the name of South Point with two best friends named Katie Bell and Helena. Helena finds a guy name Ransome and starts to fall for him and sooner or later she lets her best friend drift away from her. It is a remarkable story that I would recommend to any teenager to read.

The Lost Summer is mostly meant for teens to read because it talks about how to start a good relationship and if you get caught up in it you will not realize your best friend has drifted away. This is my favorite book, just don't drift away.


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