Christine by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Christine by Stephen King

September 6, 2013
By apracerboy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
apracerboy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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Christine by Stephen King

Stephen King was born in Portland Maine in the year of 1947. He is a horror book author. He is the second son of Donald and Nellie King. He spent most of his childhood moving from place to place. So most of his childhood was rough, he had no friends and his parents even divorced when he was little. But even after the rough childhood he is still a good author.
Christine is a fiction horror book about a car that kills people. It also makes the person who drives it crazy. The three main characters are Arnie, the guy who drives the car, Michael, Arnie’s best friend, and Regina, Michael’s girlfriend. So Christine is an evil car who kills people and Arnie gets so involved in his car that he doesn’t care when it kills his girlfriend. The did that because the night before she didn’t like the car and told him to get ride of it. So the car got angry and ran here over the next night.
Christine took place in California. Christine the car is pretty much what the name says it’s Christine. The car is a shiny cherry red color. It has a white top on it and all in all is a nice car. But there is a twist, it’s evil, and kills people. It kills them by running them over.
I think Christine is a good, exciting, and awesome book. The only thing I don’t like is it’s long and is hard to understand the words in it. It is not a good AR book because it’s hard to understand. I would recommend this book to a older audience. But personally I liked this book.

The author's comments:
I really liked this book.


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