The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

January 13, 2014
By Samuel9559 BRONZE, Ann Arbor Mi, Michigan
Samuel9559 BRONZE, Ann Arbor Mi, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” it starts off with the author (Mark Twain) asking if I read the book “The Adventures of Tom sawyer” which is another book Mark twain wrote. The first sentence goes on to say that there is no connection between the two books (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The adventures of Huckleberry Finn) so if I didn’t read “The adventures of Tom sawyer” there is no need to be worried about not getting the most out of the books. I feel like this was a shady and less to the point kind of way to start the book.

When I started reading more of the book, almost to the halfway point I started to realize the old fashion slang and slurs of the book getting easier to read. At one point I thought to my head “I think Mark Twain put the slang on purpose to give the book a different feel to it”. I really don’t know if Mark Twain actually put the slang on purpose or spoke with a slang. Either way I think the slang helps give a image in our minds of the historical time of the story.

When I started getting closer to the end I almost got to the point I wanted to stop because I could already tell what was going to happen. But I finished the book with a feeling of regret, I ever should've read the book but still a little room for some self accomplishment, not for finishing the book but understanding it with a more serious tone. Because we are talking about a character, he may not be real but he is real in the book

In conclusion I give the book a 8 out of 10 rating because I think if you read it with a mature view point to it you will understand the meaning of the book. Huckleberry Finn is a teenage boy who doesn’t have a real family and the only family he has is an abusive dad who is drunk half of the time Huckleberry Finn sees him. But I think the really sad part is that he doesn’t know which way to go in life and I think after finishing the book and I think the whole story was about Huckleberyy Finn trying to find the right path in life.


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