Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

April 7, 2014
By sarah_g BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
sarah_g BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Beatrice Prior (Tris) is just an ordinary girl who lives in a futuristic Chicago with five factions where many different people live. The five factions are Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless and Amity. She lives in the poorest faction, Abnegation. Tris is ordinary until one day when she finds out what she really is. She must make a choice to stay with her family in Abnegation or leave to go start a new life in a different faction. This decision will affect the rest of her life.

This book is all about what her life is like after she makes her decision of what faction she wants to spend the rest of her life in and her choices along the way.There are no pictures but when you read it, you can imagine the whole thing happening as if you were there.

Divergent is a very long book, almost 500 pages, which looks intimidating but when you start reading, you will never want to put the book down. With every twist and turn it had me wanting to keep reading more. It is very easy to follow and there was never a point where I was confused on what was happening or where the characters were. I knew that this book was going to be great when I started to read it because when I started it I could picture the whole thing happening in my head. It was amazing what imaginations can give you when you read this book.

Veronica Roth’s style of writing wants you to believe that there is a place that has 5 factions: Abnegation, Dauntless, Candor, Erudite and Amity. I think that this book is very well written because of the word choice. Reading it from Beatrice’s point of view gives the reader insight on her feelings and her thoughts about what was happening and that’s what I like about this book. Divergent is written in chronological order which makes it easier to comprehend and keep up with. It is very well organized and very easy to understand even when there was so much going on. The characters that are in Divergent are very realistic because they are regular people living in a strange future.

I would recommend this book for anyone 10 and up because if you are younger than that, it may be confusing and hard to understand. Veronica Roth did not target this book for any age because she knew that it would be appealing to all ages.

This is the first book in the trilogy series Divergent. This is also the first book that I have read that is written by Veronica Roth and she is an amazing and talented writer.


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