Tears of A Tiger by Sharon M. Draper | Teen Ink

Tears of A Tiger by Sharon M. Draper

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

In present day in the town of Hazelwood, The Hazelwood basketball team wins their game. 17 year old Andy, Rob, Tyrone boys on basketball team and their friend B.J go to celebrate their win .Andy has beer in his truck which he put there before the game is happy. No one has any idea that someone they love is going to die.
In the book Tears of a tiger, Sharon M Draper shows us the theme of self-loathing. After Andy’s friend dies he hates himself more than ever he wishes that he had died not his friend. He then realizes how much he misses his friends when they are all gone.
“So that’s the way you feel about it”?! “I thought you cared”. “I thought you were the only one in this world who really cared”. “I do care Andy!” “It’s just that sometimes it’s just to much”. “Why don’t you just go to hell?”
“I believe that’s what I’m getting out of good-bye Andy.” “Wait you can’t leave what about your song”? “You sing it”!
The relationship between Keisha and Andy reminds me of twilight when Edward leaves Bella. That’s what Keisha does to Andy.
In Tears of a Tiger, Andy goes through a lot in the book. Sharon M Draper shows vivid detail on how Andy feels. This book is a good book she used great detail.
Tears of a Tiger would be recommended to people who are 13 and above because there is death and some language that little kids wouldn’t understand this book is hard to understand because they talk differently than the way we do now. This book gets a rating of 3 out of 4 stars


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This article has 1 comment.

pamela said...
on May. 22 2009 at 4:21 pm
thats really good